Friday, October 11, 2013

4 Months Already?!?

Ladies and gentlemen...I've done it! I got a pull yes, it is a kipping pull up , but a body weight pull up none the less!
<iframe src="" width="226" height="400" frameborder="0"></iframe>

I have no idea how to link that video to here...but that might work??? This was the very first goal I wrote down on our goal board in June and it feel damn good to get to cross it off!  You may say it's not a 'real' pull up and I wouldn't have passed the presidential physical fitness test, but whatever.  It is a big accomplishment for me, and I am very proud!  I also got a 78lb snatch PR (personal record)!  Which I am starting to go to Olympic weight lifting classes, so hopefully I'll smash that soon :)

This all came after watching our awesome Crossfit Clay United team at CrossFit Naptown bracket buster competition.  I am always so amazed at those competitions are leave feeling really excited to hopefully be at that level some day!  Our team looked GOOD and so many people from Clay United showed up to support the team!  From big things like competitions to little things like me getting a pull up, it really is about being a supportive community.  People can say all sorts of horrible things about CrossFit, but that support and encouragement are something I haven't really found with other programs.  Maybe all of the support and encouragement I've been getting lately has driven me to sign up for my first CrossFit competition: 2013 Winter Rendezvous at Hoosier CrossFit (in that evil Bloomington). It is a partner competition and a LOT of people from Clay United are doing it!  My partner is GREAT and I'm hoping I don't let her down.  I've got two months to train some weaknesses and then just do the best I can come the competition. Hopefully I can post about more firsts and PR's within these months leading to the competition!  Maybe I'll get a rope climb!!! Who knows?!!? I feel very encouraged and like I'm on a roll, but I'm right now looking forward to a relaxing weekend of rest and recovery :)

Happy 4 Month Anniversary (yesterday) CrossFit!  I'm going to eat a yummy steak and take a nap to celebrate (maybe buy some new leopard print spandex capris ;)  )!

Until next time!  Stay strong! Kipping pull ups count! :P

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