Sunday, August 9, 2015

Making Moves

My blogs recently have been very reflective and looking back, acknowledging mistakes I've made breaking down where things went wrong.  Now it's time to look for solutions move on and make positive changes in my life.

First step is forgiveness.  When you make a mistake that causes a relationship to be strained, you acknowledge your mistake and ask that person for forgiveness.  When you make a mistake that causes your own path to be strained, you forgive yourself. I think people (especially me) forget to forgive themselves.  You can't keep raking yourself over the coals when you mess up.  You have to learn and move on! Or as a friend told me "you can't drive a car forward looking in the rear view mirror" (well...I'm sure you could...or someone could..but I get it).

My new motto is you have to do good to be good and to feel good (yes...I realize it probably should be "do well" sounds better this way :-P ).   So, what am I going to do to feel good?

Do "good": Start every morning with a positive thought or intention (they always like to use the phrase "set your intention" in yoga)
Start every morning with a healthy breakfast! This may mean waking up early to give myself extra time to prepare and enjoy.  I suppose starting out the morning not in a rush would be a fresh change for me! 
Try and maintain a positive attitude throughout the day and see the best in others and myself.
Challenge myself physically and mentally.  I have sort of fit a plateau strength wise and I need to switch somethings up and really challenge myself! I need to read and learn more about the world around me.
Be active every day! Even days when I don't go to the gym, do something! Go on a walk, stretch (goodness knows I need to), or even work outside in my garden! I've got a bad habit of coming home and pooping out on the couch! 
Get involved!  I used to volunteer a lot in high school and some how the business of adult life has changed that.  Now that things have slowed down a little, I have been able to sign up to volunteer with Habitat for Humanity (probably won't happen much until next summer) and signed up to be a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sister (fingers crossed they want me).
Give people the benefit of the doubt...even if you think they don't deserve it
And FORGIVE others and myself

I think making small choices in your day to be better will overall improve your attitude and help you to make positive choices in your day.

Impulse control is a big issue with me, and I think the more positive and mindful I am throughout the day the more I will think about the outcomes of my actions.  Hopefully that will help me from eating an entire Against the Grains pizza in one sitting!

Let's see how this works out! I'll keep you posted! Moving upwards and onward! 

Stay strong!